AGON screening to filter out crap new posts has regressed back to the pits..

6 more filthy violent content post this morning ? Ditto yesterday ....  WTF?


a simple fix is what Canadian and UK forums have as effective forum screening tool : new member posts will be held in limbo before release into the audio forum, pending a review first by the moderator.


I have recommended this MANY TIMES! The single biggest problem is people posting for the immediate gratification of seeing their blather in print. Anyone with anything truly valuable to say knows it will be just as valuable in an hour as now. 

The moderator complaint is this is too much work. But it doesn't have to be. This could be rolled out one topic at a time. Start with Misc Audio. Anyone wanting a serious discussion starts it in Misc Audio. All posts on Misc Audio are moderated. Nothing gets posted without first being reviewed and deemed ON TOPIC. Anyone trying to post off-topic gets a warning. Three warnings they get the boot.


Start with one Topic, see how it goes. What have we got to lose?


I can't recall which forum this is/was,but I remember joining,and your posts were held in quarantine until a moderator checked it. This went on until you reached a certain post count.( Can't remember that either) This seems like it would be too much work for most internet trolls. By the way,your car warranty is about to expire. 

Oh My ... The Irony Meter just went off the scale into the Red Zone 


"I have recommended this MANY TIMES! The single biggest problem is people posting for the immediate gratification of seeing their blather in print"

The quite pathetic thing about @millercarbon agenda driven post is that the OP is refering to the bot posts linking to porn sites that have made it past the forum filters in the last week or so ...

OP, It's kind of strange your worried about violent, filthy content then end your post with WTF. 

Is there a certain amount that is acceptable?

Best to lead by example, I'd think. As for the degree and kind of filth? Swearing is ok but shoot um up bank bang and running around in the buff is taboo?

OK, Now don't get upset.. ;-)
