Are Ohm Walsh's a step up from Martin Login Electro Motion ESL's

I currently have a hapr of Martin Login Electro Motion ESL's and I will never get rid of them, but in my current house only one person can trully be in the sweet spot for the speakers, and it does get a little annoying how fast you can get off axis.  I really want to find something beautilf sounding in a small room that just feels like you are there.  The one speaker that keeps coming up that can do this are Ohm Walshes.  I have been looking at the Ohm Walsh 2's and doing an upgrade (speakers on my terrms) or looking at the tall 2000s.   I really want to find a speaker that is my last speaker for a long time. 

I am driving my speakers with Odessy Kismet Mono block's and a Schiit Freya+ with RCA JAN 5692's in the gain side and PSVANE COSSOR 6SN7 in the buffer side.  

Have anyone compared Ohm's to Martin Logan's.  Anything else I should be looking at.  My budget is $4000+ but I also am a guy that likes rebuilds of things.  I primarily listen to Rock and Jazz


Btw if it were me I would want to try some isolation pad under the MLs from the look of the floor. Not a big room so smaller Ohms would probably do it were you to go that way. Iso pads under those as well probably from the looks.


Post removed 

Thanks for the iso pad hint.  Have to say I got a new turntable today and the MLs sound really good all the sudden. 

All speakers will leap in sound quality with improvements of the system. The improvement is relative, not absolute, as though the MLs are now vastly outstripping the performance of other speakers. There are dozens of levels of such improvement on the performance spectrum of systems.  


Ohms in that room could be problematic. With one close to a corner, the response could be skewed in terms of reflection from the L speaker. 

Ohms are going to be very different in presentation from the MLs -- you know that, right? Panel electrostatics have a narrow, focussed sweet spot, while omnis like the Ohms have a more spacious sound. What is better will be a matter of taste.

You could call Ohm and talk to John Strohbeen and get his views. He’s a really good guy.

I agree that placement of one speaker in a corner is not optimal. I am not so sure that that’s worse for an omni than for a panel speaker. It might be. It might not. Ask John what he thinks. Even better, rearrange your whole home and life to position the speakers more symmetrically. 😉