Better CD Sound: The Search

Went Big into Vinyl last 2 years, then re-discovered my many CD’s, mixing it up plenty now.

I continue to try and find a CD Player with better sound than my existing cheapo Sony Changer that surprisingly keeps on keeping on.

I am hoping recent upgrades to the system will more readily reveal differences:

99.9999 copper speaker wires and interconnects, locking rca connectors, mx110z tube tuner/preamp overhaul by Audio Classics; cayin a88t bias by VAS; 16 ohm L-Pads replacing 8 ohm pots; and finally a I bought a sound meter to balance/refine the speaker’s L-Pads (it ain’t easy) for the best sound ever.

CD Quest So Far:

I want dual processors, go used to keep cost down, even consider older vintage.

1. my Onkyo Grand Integra (DX-7500 I think), fixed the damn drawer opening problem several times.

2. This cheapo Sony Changer given to me, eh, use if for parties, why not.
surprisingly sounded as good as the Onkyo to me and friends, gave the annoying Onkyo away.

3. tried used Oppo 83 Video Player for it’s audio

Laser was weak, ’no disc’, found it is a common problem with heavily used lasers. Back it went

4. lightly used Oppo 105. Everything worked, but didn’t sound better than the Sony. Oppo is big, single, expensive, not sellers fault, so I sold it myself rather than return it, lost $205. on that attempt.

5. ’new original stock’ KLH (made by?). played a few discs, then the discs started mis-tracking on discs I know are ok.

found small black bits clinging to the surface in the area of the problems (cds play from the inside out, just guess how far out). Turned out, the belt(s) were dried out, thus when put into motion after years of storage (where?), they shed bits of rubber. Back it went, full refund including return shipping. never compared it to the Sony’s sound

6. Resolved: if vintage, make sure belts are available, get a low price, open it up when it arrives, watch it move ... use, replace belts, return as last choice.

7. Just Bought Two, in transit, One Single; One 6 Disc Changer. (both with oem remotes and power cords, most for sale are missing).

a. Denon DVD-2910 Single Player (big dent on the top. $52. del’d, eBay) (crutchfield keeps old info on their site)

b. Onkyo Integra CDC-3.4 six disc changer (open box/demo) ($51. delivered) (

c. a bag of belts. because I will be keeping something, and I have other old stuff with belts

d. spare rare OEM remote for Integra 3.4, eBay

Keeping My Ears Crossed!

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I purchased my Pro-Ject from Underwood Hifi and no returns unless a faulty/malfunctioning unit. I took my chances due to

1 universally positive comments from a multitude of credible and trusted Audiogon members.

2 Very competitive pricing and Underwood has a very good long term record as an audio retailer. So glad I purchased the Pro-Ject RS2 Transport. It’s truly marvelous sounding .@in_shore description is on the money! Bill I know that you understand the significant impact the CD transport has on sound quality.


I received my Pro-Ject CD BOX RS2 transport today @charles1dad 

Hey charles1dad, have you possibly reinserted your old PWT into your system to "reconfirm" how much better thd new Pro-ject sounds?


I am interested in any new comparison details that you might have noticed.

I was very impressed when I inserted a PWT in my system and would hate to try  the Pro-ject and end up deciding I hear a sideways move versus an improvement.




Hi @ dsper,

I want to be very clear. I used the PWT in my audio system for 9 years and enjoyed every moment of it. In my humble opinion it is an excellent CD transport. I could keep it another 9 years and continue to be happy with it. The Pro-Ject CD transport does not blow away the PWT nor does it make it sound broken. I just want  to clear the air on that. The PWT has been a very highly regarded transport for a long time and justifiably so.

The Pro-Ject CD BOX RS2 is better sounding than the PWT is this regard. It is a higher resolution component. Clarity, transparency and openness are improved. There is more air and a capturing of venue ambience. Both macro and micro dynamics are an improvement. The sense/awareness of musical pace and flow are improved. It can really get your toes to tapping and your head nodding in beat to the music.

The Pro-Ject is more fluid with an ease and effortless vibe. Very similar to what a really high-quality analog base system can do (And not every analog front end system achieves this coveted characteristic). The PWT did this well and is natural and engages you emotionally. The Pro-Ject takes this to yet a higher level. It is thoroughly organic and superb with tone and timbre of instruments and vocals.

The PWT is in absolute terms "very " good. The Pro-Ject is superb. That’s the essential distinction for me. Each one of us is different and we have to make our own specific/individual assessment. I would be surprised if you found the move to the Pro-Ject merely sidewards.
