Garage Listing room

Conciderations pn a garage Listing room.

18 wide  24 ft long 8 ft high ceiling.

Open suds completley insualated with paper faces. Stucco on other side of walls. garage door is solid type with insualtion.

Ceiling is flat open studs 100% filled insualtion

would this serve as a listing room.

Von schweikert vr4/5 Biamps all tubes (might not fill room) Have new vr-8's (that will)


Use 5/8" sheetrock, it blocks like twice the sound of 1/2" for almost no additional cost.

That just isn’t true, sorry.

An STC (sound transmission) rating for a ’standard’ wall with 1/2" drywall on both sides is about a 33 STC rating, an insulated wall with *two layers* of 1/2" drywall *on both sides* is about 44, a wall with 5/8" on one side and *two* 5/8" layers on the opposite is about 55. We still have not achieved ’twice’ the stc rating, and we are well beyond what an existing 1/2" on the existing interior wall, and a new 5/8" layer on the garage would achieve, but it wouldn’t be as effective as two layers of 1/2" on both sides, an increase of only 11 STC points.

Can you achieve twice a standard 2x4 with 1/2" drywall 33 STC rating? Yep, you can get to 50-60, but not with a single layer of 5/8". Would it help? Yep, but not in reducing the transmission by 1/2.

My stereo room is above the garage. On the advice of a specialist I was able to add a floating sub-floor when the house was built.  On top of the standard 3/4" plywood floor, I added a layer of roofers felt covered by a 1/2" plywood layer scewed into the first layer, not into the studs. I also had the wiring for the  equipment outlets direct to a sepatate 20A breaker.

Please do yourself a favor, read my first post again. Specifically,

Usually only people who have actually been through this process know these things. So be careful, because a lot don't, but act like they do.

So for example when I say something like blocks twice the sound, that is because when you build it you will notice about half the sound getting through. If I wanted to sound all snotty and impressive I could spout dB specs all day and all night. This is the difference between trying to inform and trying to impress. Really wish the BSD types would catch on.

that is because when you build it you will notice about half the sound getting through

And once again MC, that simply isn’t true. You might believe it to be true, but the numbers arrived via testing of the assembly’s don’t agree with you. It is not ’snotty’ to have an understanding of these numbers/construction assemblies. I’m in the architectural design biz, by code I must adhere to them at times, for wall separations of apartments as example (along with fire separation ratings). That is part of my job responsibility. And these various assembly’s are documented and tested (in a strict testing facility) so that they can be referenced to in conforming to various STC code requirements as necessary with the governing building authorities.