Car Audio Speakers

I know this rarely if ever pops up on Agon. But I'm in the market for speakers for my car. Anyone have any experience with high quality car audio speaker brands that can rival audiophile speakers? I'm pretty clueless. Most of my experience in car audio comes from those idiots who blast their distorted one note hip hop/rap bass at an intersection on weekend nights.
Milbert (Berning) bam-235ab 30 watt tube amp runs off 12v. with Altec 604s or similar.
Focal,ScanSpeak and Dynaudio all make excellent,read very expensive, auto speakers. You can get really sound in your car but not audiophile quality. The equipment and enviroment just aren't up to it.
Dracule1, I applaude you for searching something better. FWIW, I am currently in a tiny apartment. At the moment, I am running 45 amps @ 2 watts each into straight 8" lowther speakers. (no powered woofers). My tiny room is at least 12X the square interior footage of an automobile, yet I get can get louder than I ever care too. 2000 plus watts in a Honda is slightly overkill, IMO.