Different R2R DACs

Several months ago, I bought a used Hono Spring Level 2 DAC to see how R2R would compare against my Mytek Brooklyn DAC+. I like the Brooklyn+ a lot, but, given the other components in my system, I'm thinking about building in a bit more warmth (without losing significant detail). I'm not looking for sweetness or holography. Unfortunately, I was thoroughly unimpressed by the way the Holo Spring Level 2 smeared the music. I returned it within two weeks. Perhaps the unit I bought was defective (though I bought it from a highly reputable seller of used equipment), but it started me wondering how much of the hype surrounding the newer generation of R2R DACs was just that, hype. However, I keep seeing so many glowing reviews of reasonably priced R2R DACS from Denafrips, Aqua, Lampizator and others. So I'm wondering whether I should give them another try. Unfortunately, where I live the only real (suboptimal) option is to audition by purchasing one DAC at a time. Before I start down that road again, I thought I would ask the collective brain of Audiogon about how much of a difference I might expect, as against the Holo Spring level 2, from a new Denafrips Pontus II or used Terminator II, a used Aqua La Voce or Lampizator, or some other R2R DAC under $5K. I don't require require resolutions greater than 24/192 (beyond which I discern no difference). I do like the option of MQA decoding, but it's not a deal breaker. 

The rest of my system (source components aside), at present, include a Parasound JC2 BP preamp, a pair of VTV Purifi mono amps, and Harbeth C7ES-3 speakers.


You should try the wyred4sound 10th anniversary dac, it's the most analog sounding dac I've had in my system and the reviewers are saying the same thing, 

The recent Stereophile review of the Sonnet Morpheus makes a point I think most of us already appreciate: it's all about implementation. The Morpheus is an R2R DAC that according to the review manages to achieve the stereotypical virtues of both R2R and DS chip DACs at an attractive price point. Supposedly it gets the tone right (as a good R2R should) yet is transparent and linear (like a good DS). Piqued my curiosity.

For kicks I'll be taking one for a spin and comparing it to some (for me) pricey and well regarded R2R and DS DACs.

Easy, the border patrol dac(s)...plural because there are different levels and configurations. Surprised, then again not, that no one ever mentions it. A pity, as it is a terrific affordable r2r dac with a tubed power supply section (defeatable). Made in the USA.


I want to be 100% upfront, we import and distribute Aries Cerat and Rockna Audio into North America.

We have actually A/B tested almost 100 different DAC's. We did the testing on 6 very different systems so not just one person giving their opinion. Our top 3 dacs after years of testing are the Aries Cerat Kassandra, Rockna Signature and Total DAC. All quality manufacturers with great technology and very experienced designers.

At the $5000 price point, the Rockna Wavelight DAC is a great swiss army blade. Reliability and build quality to among the best in the world at this price point. Sound quality at $5000 is the best we have tested. We also like the fact that the Wavelight has a great preamp section and 4 different filters to choose from which allows you to match the DAC perfectly to any home environment. What we don't like is that there is no physical remote control and you can only control this unit with your phone or an IPad.

I would also like to say that there are several other very good sounding $5000 dacs but what we look for when importing product is build quality, reliability, designers knowledge and last but not the least the sound quality. When you start to look at these 4 factors, perhaps this might help you narrow down your decision.


Please remember "it is easy to build a system that can play music but very difficult to build a system that is musical".