Ready For Digital Source...Computer?

I have speakers and amplification all figured out, now I need a source. No vinyl and not concerned with CD's at this point.
Only steaming online. No Roon either, been there, done that. 

Honestly, (because I need a new computer anyway) I would really like to use a computer to play Spotify (hopefully CD-quality soon), Tidal, Qobuz, etc. but most say a computer is too "Noisy" to use for this purpose. Although, I have heard there are ways around this.

Rather than having to purchase a dedicated music server, does anyone know how to set up a computer as a high-quality music server? I can't really seem to find anything online.



No need to apologize. You are likely clear on this, but I'm not and perhaps others  are not as well.

Times on my side at the moment so, sooner or later I’ll figure it out

For example: Figure what out? 

If you have, restating what you've figured out in this thread or starting a new one would, I believe, offer focused insight from members.

It's a suggestion. If you feel you have already addressed it and stated so, I'm cool with that. All the best.

david_ten - Figure out, with help of the members here, if a computer is going to work as a music server for me. Very conflicting opinions so far.

And thanks for the scoop on the Keces P8, the price kind of says it all.


I did it. 

You can buy a music server, but you won't hear the difference if you do it right.

1. Get a cheap scope for $200 and see and measure the noise. It will pay for itself and you'll learn something. 

2. You have to replace your SMPS with a very quiet one. 

3. Filter every output with PP bypass capacitors.  Especially the power to the hard drives, better to use a SSD.

4. Get a quality outboard D/A converter and power it by a super-regulator.  D/C the DC of the USB in the cable going to it.

5. Shield the whole computer with low carbon sheet steel.  In fact, shield all low level devices. 

Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done.


@high-amp - Ah, I did not know you already had an LPS.  I looked up the 100W HDPLEX.  It will handle a 5A continuous load on the 19V output, so it should be fine for the Roon Nucleus.  The Keces P8 might be better since it has a larger power supply for a max load of 8A.  However, either of these power supplies will be a lot better than the stock "wal-wart" switching power adapter.

itsjustme - Having read and re-read your many susequent posts I find you are at another level, far above my undersatnding of computers. When I was using my MacBook Air via USB to DAC I thought it sounded great.

And it can, in fact sound pretty darn good. But a quieter USB signal will eb better since any ground noise there affects both jitter and the ground of the the DAC (depending in degree of isolation of course). Note i clearly thought my MBP/bitperfect was better as a source (same DAC) than a CDplayer.

I also thoroughly enjoyed using my Roon Nucleus (as a music server) to DAC via USB as well.

Roon Nucleus honestly ought to be very very good - caveat - assuming it has its own LPS. I am not sure. Its basically an Intel NUC with convection cooling, some isolation and a fancy box. I built my own starting with a NUC. Its was a PITA but i experimented and learned a lot.

It is others that suggest computers are "Noisy" so I was looking for others opinions on the mater.

Well, on an absolute scale, they are. but they can be fixed or isolated. And some dont seem to undersand that fancy servers ARE computers.

I just thought if I could remove one more box out of the audio loop (Roon Nucleus/Music Server) by hooking up my computer when I wanted to stream music. Along with that, avoid paying two mothly subscription, one for Roon and another for a music service.

Ah, yes. the Roon Tax. I think way back in the beginning i said i have a love/hate relationshipw ith Roon. Its nto cheap, tech support and document are awful, it integrates with only a few services, it does have bugs that they deny or ignore.... but to badly paraphrase Winston Churchill, its better than all the other options.

Feel free to PM me.  If you enjoy learing about this stuff, read my (terribly inconsistent and behind) blog.