What song have you played the most?

Not heard on the radio, but you mechanically involved with the selection. 
Poco- Rose of Cimarron

(My wife says I ruin songs.)

Not heard on the radio, but you mechanically involved

Pop Goes the Weasel.


Can’t leave out "Like A Rolling Stone". It’s easy to over-look, until one hears it again. I just did, and it still sends shivers up my spine and makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Definitely in the All-Time Top 10 songs imo.

My collection is pretty large, and so much of it I place on pretty equal footing as far as quality, so it would be almost impossible to pick out one "most played song".

I will break it up among the 3 different genres I listen to. 

Here are my best guesses:

Prog: YES - Close to the Edge, or King Crimson - Larks' Tongues in Aspic, or Banco - Io Sono Nato Libero

Jazz: Mahavishnu Orchestra - Eternity's Breath (Parts I and II), or maybe: Return to Forever - Duel of the Jester and the Tyrant (Parts I and II)

Classical: Bartok - Music for strings, percussion and celesta, or maybe: Elliott Carter- Concerto for Orchestra

Since you requested a song my best guess would be "My Sharona". When this song was released June 1979 I was 14 and it crushed me. Currently I considered it a Top 10 all time pop song of the 1970's! With albums Rare Silk New Weave(1983) might have been my first jazz album(Think Of One/Marsalis?) This album gets better with age!