Both Dynaudio 140 and 160 are for its size playing very big, the music is everywhere, and very deep. Compared to cheaper Monitor Audios for instance, they might not be as detailed in the highs, but I am pretty sure that has more to do with Monitor Audio being on the brighter side. I have also compared the Dynaudios with Proac D28, twice as expensive, its a tighter in the bass, its obvoiusly an easier load for the amp, but for my taste, the richness in bass of the Dynaudios suites my music taste a little better (rock, blues, country, indie etc). System Audio Mantra 60 is like a big Dynaudio and quicker in the bass. Hope it helps! Beware that Dynaudio require quite a bit of power, preferably at least 100 watts, but 75 is all right too but you won't get out everything they have. (Pure class A tube might do well with less watts, I don't know.)