In the present market the best value for money Vintage DD I am willing to make known to you is the Aurex/Toshiba SR-510. It was the Brand Top of the Line from the era of manufacture and can perform to a very high level of presentation.
I own a selection of the other Vintage DD TT's and do not see any model as being undesirable.
The Caveat is that they can be purchased as an Item that has never received any attention and can be received after a purchase in need of a visit to a service engineer that has a familarity and understanding of the chosen model.
With what is known today as well about our wounded beautiful planet, any purchasing that eliminates the need to Manufacture is kinder to our Global Home.
Used/Vintage Purchases are much more friendly to the planets future.
Lots of upcoming listening enjoyment to be encountered either way, New, Used or Vintage Purchase.