Next upgrade?

Dear all,

In the pursue of the best possible sound - given a limited budget! - I am constantly thinking about the next upgrade (or mod) to my system. I’m sure I am not alone...

Right now I have the following :

- Monitor Audio Golden Reference 60 Speakers

- Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated Amp

- Cambridge Audio CXC CD Transport

- Border Patrol SE-i DAC

I like the system a lot, but I wonder what can I do next (excluding cables or power supply). What would be the place where I can get the most improvement from an (second hand) upgrade?

Thanks a lot for your suggestions!



Regarding power I have two separate direct lines from the main panel (10ft away) one for the amp and one for the dac and transport. 


Your amp is your strongest component so no need to change.  Your transport is good enough for your current level and for a reasonable DAC upgrade so don't need to replace yet.

So it's either speaker upgrade or DAC upgrade.  Monitor Audio Silver line seems to be on sale nowadays.  

You have a nice system. I've never heard that combination, but it looks solid to me. If you like the sound your getting, but want an improvement in Sound Quality, I agree that room treatment and very tight corrections in speaker placement would be time and money well spent.

It seems that you only have CD as a source. Are you good with that? If you are interested id discovering new/different music, I would recommend you invest in some type of streamer and a high-res streaming service. I discover new/different music almost daily via streaming. My favorite streaming service, for content and a great user interface, is Spotify. However, it is not yet high-def. The SQ is not bad, but I'm guessing Qobuz is significantly better. I currently have a one year trial of Tidal, but I won't be renewing it.

If you are all digital (CD), a streamer, connected to your DAC, would provide you a nearly limitless catalog of music and sound about the same as CDs played via your transport and DAC.