Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200

Tube or SS, doesn't matter. Just want to know the best you've heard/owned.


@herbreichert  I've heard the bass is soft and its an overly fast amp. DO you agree with this? I had looked into this earlier and something turned me off to it but I don't recall what it was exactly. Possibly the gain.

I've done a bit of research on this segment. And I've put an order in for a Hagerman Trumpet MC.

Will report back. Current phono stage is a Project Phono Box RS with outboard power supply. It's great with MM but just too noisy with MC.

Was thinking of getting the battery power supply but decided to go for the Hagerman instead. 


@sandthemall  please do. I have been eyeing that one but the gain and cap is high for me and I don't know if it matters that much

In that price category the Tavish Adagio definitely worth an attention. The Rogue Audio Ares is great too and if you can stretch to $500 more you could consider Magnum version of Ares which is truly excellent, I’m very happy with my.