I am no perfectionist,, I do not have a cabinet studio not cutting table.. Circular saw just does not cut straight,,anyway its done, and the gaps are sort of like exhaust ports for energy to flow out., Filter through the gaps. The VX8 could be placed ina cardboard box and it would sound good.
So the cabinets are a different sizes and they have air leaks. OK then.
I have an idea. Toss the box. Get heavier speaker wire and just "Hang Um High", do a "Clint" on um, AND let er rip..
Speakers 101. The single most important thing to do, is MIRROR the other speaker..
If you’re A/Bing speaker changes, then ONE at a time and listen.. I always start on the left.
I listen to cables the same way. That is the best way to tell a difference. Plug in the new cable, speaker or even tubes, just the left (or right). I turn the units on and let them warm up. I listen 30 seconds at the most. I let them play for 30-60 minutes. THEN I listen at low/med/higher volumes for no more than 10 minutes. I check at 24 hours and 100 or so..
It’s the same every time for me because I don’t change thing to much.
Whatever I’m testing has to sound good but a little hot (Highs), then at 8 hours or so cables and speakers loose a little volume but COOL off (highs and mids). At 24 hours they sound correct if bass is involved.. Everything after that is very subtle to 100 hours or so. If silver or silver clad is involved including caps, inductors, resistors, or anything else, it can keep changing to 500 hours.
Teflon Caps. FOREVER!! I like them the best, I HATE breaking them in..
Copper, plug in, route, support and listen.. 50 hours.. Including Voice Coils in NEW drivers..
Speaker boxes settling and of course checking for leaks.. That’s Speaker 102 or is that 201? A halfa$$ built box dosen’t leak. Every now and then a driver to baffle leaks. I use a stethoscope with and without an amplifier bulb and an open tube bell collector.
Best single cabinet tool made for testing, your ears and an amplifier/collector. Hearing memory is Speakers 103 or 301... I can't remember.. :-)