Cube Audio speakers in Northern California?

My audiophile pal in Italy upgraded to Cube Audio speakers and is blown away with them.  I'd be keen to hear a pair if anyone near Sacramento or San Francisco  has a pair that they would allow me to hear.  I will be happy to bring refreshments to the audition.  Thanks. 


Het david

I just took a closer look at Cube line of FR

I like some of the models,, Actually the lowest priced W8, at $2k a pair.


But I will say the Neo magnetic 81 tiny cylinders at 1480 grams is very impressive indeed, + the others with the **magnet motor structure** not sure what thet means.

But anyway I would like to come hear your Cube one day whenever you have time,,I could also bring over my Davidlouis VX8

Let me know when you have time

Just sent a  PM


David and Mozart,

I will say that New Orleans is my favorite vacation spot in the US, by far, no question.  To hook up with you both would be a delight, finally hearing the Cube speakers, which my friend that owns them is ecstactic about.   I will contact you fellas in a PM to see when it might work out for you both to let me hear your gear.  Yeah, honestly, I  have been looking for a reason to get back to NO and you have have given me a very good reason to go back, by far the most friendly city in the US, while amazing food choices.  Cheers and thanks for the offers.  

Yeah stop on over, I am 5 minutes , 1 mile from MSY

Hook up with David so you can hear the Cube and my Davidlouis

I just took a  closer look at Cube tonight,,seems Cube is the speaker i am after.

I know it will outperform the DLVX8...

Had i taken a  close look back when I ordered the Voxativ AC1A,, maybe would have chosen the Cube W8 at same cash.


The Cube W8 at just under $2k, is my next speaker project. 

Let me know when you  hook up with David, I have a  free schedule.

David is like 10  minutes from my home. 

@whitestix   Love that you are a fan of the New Orleans area!!!

Looking forward to connecting via PM.

NOLA Gents,

Sadly, I see the Upperline Restaurant in NO has closed.  I was way underdressed for my meal there a few years ago, but they let me in.  It was the first and last time I had turtle soup;  the rest of the meal and wine was grand, as was the service.  I would love to live in that area of the City... who wouldn't?