Have you ever been turned off by an Arrogant Dealer? Thoughts

I have and it's extremely disappointing 


I will play Devils Advocate here. So many people use the remaining bricks and mortar stores to audition a dealers wares, and then buy it on the Internet, that instead of perhaps considering them as retailers, some of them wish to be viewed as consultants.  Think of them along the Financial Planners model.  Some Planners charge a yearly fee based upon your net assets.  Others base their fee as a percentage of the assets that they actively manage.  Others charge a straight hourly fee for their advice, the same for Princes and Paupers.  In this case, the audio dealer could argue that he is some sort of hybrid of these models.

  Where this analogy breaks down is that a FP can discuss multiple products without having to physically demonstrate anything, a high end audio dealer has to have a physical product that we can listen to.

  I would appreciate a dealer whose model is the following:

1) Charges a flat fee, for a defined time period (say, yearly) for their advice

2) will demo, as part of that service, components that they may actually have in stock, and charge the usual markup should you choose to purchase from the dealer (the dealer would presumably provide additional troubleshooting service above and beyond what the manufacturer can provide).

3) the dealer would provide access to many other manufacturers who can then ship components to the dealer for the customer to pick up and return to do home auditions.

The highest paid people in the world are salesman/women.

That being said, the lazest people in the world share the same title, Salesman/woman.

They show up every day to stand there and consume air and because they show up, they actually expect to get paid.. Their function, to keep every other yacking employee as far off his or her game as they can..

The work force is full of FAT LAZY, cell phone talking people.. What's left over call themselves "out of work".

From the day I was born, I was working. The difference now I think about working..

I talk to the Dog and the Rabbit and they both make more sense than most folks I talk with including my own kids.. My brothers are pretty like minded as long as we stay in our neutral corners most of the time.. We are brothers after all. Not a lot to say, but a whole lot is understood. WORK and pay attention. LOL


Yes many many times, when I started driving Mercedes Benz parking near their store, where they can see it, problem solved.

Salesman/saleswomen not on this list



Salesmen I know are well over the million dollar mark selling heavy equipment.


I said salesmen, not Best Buy


Look at realitors, I know a FEW that made millions, went to school with two, still see them in their old PU trucks.. Sold commercial and farm land leasing.. BIG money.. Salesman..

Buddy I made more than a surgeon did acording to your "Top Ranking Jobs"

As a Heavy Duty Master Machanic, 5 years ago.. Drilling platforms when I was younger and tieback rigs when I retired from a broked everything, including my neck.

The difference is the surgeon won’t need 500,000.00 worth of work to stay mobile and alive when he retires.. My insurance was actually more than a friggen one handed surgeon (bonding). They paid though.. NOT ME.. Never a claim.. Ever..
