Hello Bogiedr2 Great hearing back from you like to know how the 1.7i audition went I am not a box speaker man don`t
want to listed to one it could be Magico, Wilson`s Dali, Kef LS50`s Wharfendale Linton`s etc.etc. I don`t care would`nt waste my time. Listen Bogie I don`t know if you`ve every been to a concert hall with great acoustics sat 7th row back center seating and really listen if you have`nt go to a good concert hall clean natural music know rock concerts nice listening none destorted music then go home and listen to your BOX speaker I would ask you after you have listen do you think the sound of the concert hall sound as if was coming from a box speaker? I am positive your aswser would be hell to the NO. The concert hall sound its omnidirectional like the design of the Maggies not even the copies like Martin Logan`s come as close as the Maggies. So before you make the drastic mistake of buying a box speaker I would immediately go see Brian for a pair of the 3 series Maggies if you don`t have the room for 3 series then I would go for the 1,7i`s I sincerely hope you do. Bogie when I arive home from the concert hall and began to listen to the best speaker I`ve ever heard under $15,000 USD sit in my sweet spot close my eye`s sounds like I`m in a minnie concert hall; In fact when I get the $$$ I`ll be looking for the Maggie 20.7`s in which I don`t think I have the room for them to radiate if I don`t when I get the $$$ I will build a audio room, a add on to my home 35x35x12ft.ceiling to accomadate them that`s how much I love maggies I would go to that extreme. I`ll give Brian a call and tell him to give you my tellephone number I rather not do it over the internet those smart scientific hackers are a pain in butt I beleive and also others beleive that use this furum think they`ve hack this website. Maybe at some time we can get together after you hear the big Maggies you may want to add on to your property😄 Best regards, Martin