Replacement for current speakers suggestions

Greetings! I am 64 years old and started the hi fi journey at 19. I am thinking of replacing my current speakers. I have a pair of Von Shweikert VR 2's driven by a Mcintosh MA 250. Analogue sources are a Clearaudio Emotion Red with a Hana EH cartridge, the second deck is a Technics SL-1200 GR with a Clearaudio Maestro Cartridge. My VR 2's sound outstanding with the Mac however, they are sounding clinical these days. I realise that at 64 with all my health issues hearing changes for the worse. Diabetic for 39 years, Cardiac issues, (massive MI in 95, double bypass in 05) and the latest is stage 4 cancer, no remission possible! I like a warm sound that recreates music in great detail without sounding clinical, not sure if that makes sense! Disability does not pay all that well! The days of affording 3k to 5k are done! Looking at some Wharfdale towers, Maggies and possily Monitor Audio. I want to stay abour or below 2k.I will appreciate your opinions!

Thanks, Bogiedr


Hello Bodie,  Hope all is well talk to Brian today 11/18/21 10:am he`has my number. All except for Bruce & Gino I do have in my collection. l hav`nt listen to Bruce since the mid 70`s I must say you have attended more concerts than I have in the last 10yrs. my concert hall as been my church an my living room😄I`m Pentecostal Church Of GOD in Christ largest african american pentecostal movement in America  we are known for great music quite a few recording artist and professioal athletes are members of the grand old C.O.G.I.C. I made a drastic change in my life style 25yrs. ago mainly the reason for certain types of music is know longer my intrest.  However, Im still in love with Jazz, Latin Jazz smooth Jazz Pat Matheny, the grand old opera Bach, Leontyne Price, Beethhoven, country,(Wille Nelson) (Chris Stapleton) also Celtic Folk music, Arabic, Gospel,some R&B not all Love Big Band the old greats Basie,Duke, Ray Chales, Buddy Rich Of course I`m an X drummer🙏😄 Started somewhere between 8-10yrs.old in the church yes I`m a prechers kid played in the Marine Corps my whole tour of duty 1965-72 music has intrigued me all of my life playing or siting in the sweet spot; my first piece of gear 1957 I was 11yrs. old was a Zenith console Hifi😂.  Alright Bogie there`s know excuse you know there is know box speaker that I know of  capable of delivering that concert hall atmosphere looking forward to hear you got a apair of 1.7i`s you owe to you self. Best regards, Martin

Thank you Martin! Wow you have an amzing story and it is awesome. I want tocheck out the Maggies and determine if they fit our living room which is where we listen. I also need to see if I have the budget for them. I will call you probably next week and let you what happens. By the way, I have been a Maggie fan since the days of Audio Visions South in Tampa, Let's see how I can make it work. Chat soon.

I was looking for a very similar solution: warm sound, rich imaging, pure fun, under 2K, ended up with Dynauiod Evoke 20s. After demoing 10+ speakers in this price range, it blew away all brands.

for $1600, open box from


GR Research Encore XLS! Best Speaker for $1200. Will hold their own against the big boys.. As long you run them with sub woofers! 

Totally disagree with larry5729....Strange how two folks can have such different experiences. I bought a pair od KEF LF50 Meta a few weeks ago. Auditioning them with three different amplifiers....Sound Artist SA200ia, VTA St120 Dynaco Clone and Cambridge Audio 840 AZUR......They are simply fantastic! Current speaker inventory is Magnapan MMG, KEF 103.2, Klipsch RP600m, B&W DM601, JAMO C801, ELAC 6.5/2.0.....Nothing comes close to the LS50. Of course, the LS50s cost upwards of 5X these other speakers. But that aside...Imaging, Sound Stage, Female vocals, dynamic range is simply amazing! Had lots of non-audiophile family home last week and all of them were blown away by these speakers. In my experience, they are truely magical.