WTF: uncontrolled Tsunami of Spam pure crap post arising on AGON daily

Fifty one ..., 51 new posts this am and counting so far today,  of  pure shite posts polluting the forum this am,

AGON failure to weed out and prevent this  (again,,,) shows a broken system sinking into a B- grade forum. You don't see this junk on the Canadian or British forums. 

Post removed 

I believe Audiogon should delete those post that are irrelevant and cause arguments leading to derail the OP intensions, to learn and get the right information for his audio needs.

Yes, we are so aware of this SPAM issue.

Several solutions are being looked at it.

Trust me, we want it to end as well.

Should have an update tomorrow.

In the meantime, please continue  to Report any Spam posts that you do see.

Appreciate the help.