Have you ever been turned off by an Arrogant Dealer? Thoughts

I have and it's extremely disappointing 


When I go to dealers it's on my days off, so I'm in my shorts and scruffy gear.

They dismiss me as though I can't afford anything in their shop.

There are those that 'get it'....and those that don't, and may never....

Local ACE hdwr. relocated...new shop center, don't know me from the mulch in the outside bed with typ. plant...

'Hey, you're a Stilhs' dealer! Kewl...." Got treated with respect and good 'tude since I pushed the door....cruised the display, no pressure....

Came back w/my foreman..."Which?"  Needed some hardware, bought all they had, asked if they could order a case of same.

Did it.  Didn't know me from a wheel stop.

Foreman came in & picked that case. I came back separately and dropped $ on a mid-level saw and some this 'n that.  800$ bang to start their day.

Friendly and good cheer at all times...and knowing enough to get out of the way while the decisions were made....even if elsewhere....

No, not audio, but smart sales....let 'm look, costs nothing but an eye....Serious will ask serious queries, perhaps pull the trigger.

It's like fly fishing, although I don't....  Bait is overhead....

If they come in asking for Nirvana, it ought to be obvious within a minute what's in the mind of the 'client'..

If not...hire a new sales stiff.  If it's your brother-in-law....shoot self.

On-Line?  Do your research like you'd buy a house.  If it stinks, don't get hosed with it as well.  PayPal ain't perfect, but neither are we.  Gird thy loins....

If I'm only preaching @ the bored choir....well...

Shut Up & SING....fer G's sake....


Have you ever been turned off by an Arrogant Dealer?

I have and it’s extremely disappointing

ahhh ... the travails of life as a well heeled hifi and music lover

life is hard, ..... and then we die... 😓


I'm not a high roller in audio gear, but my three local shops have always been very friendly to me.  The one that is probably the highest end dealer with Focal Utopia Grande (or the next one down) speakers typically available for demo.  The salesman that I worked with when I made my first real dive into hi fi gear really would just sit and listen to music with me.  They setup whatever I was interested to hear.  I have always tried to be respectful of their time and only asked them for something specific if I was intending to make a purchase.  If I'm just browsing I'll just listen to whatever they have setup and am upfront about my intentions.  The second shop has a very community based atmosphere.  I was planning to purchase a used tube amplifier from them and the owner recommended that I purchase a Yaqin amplifier that was available on eBay instead.  He actually ordered it, set it up for me, and charged me exactly what I would have paid for it had I made the purchase.  I tracked down an LP of one of my favorite albums that's fairly unique and gave it to him as a thank you.  His approach to building a business is exactly what every shop should do.  Most of the time when I'm in the shop he's working on something and beyond a welcome he just continues what he's doing unless you make an inquiry.  I will say that it's never felt like he's ignoring you, more like you're considered to be a friend and welcome to make yourself comfortable.  I've only had one experience at the third shop and we did have a conversation where it was clear that they didn't want me to waste their time and then buy online.  When I confirmed that I would make the purchase from them if I decided to move forward they were happy to show me whatever was of interest.