Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube

Post removed 

I couldn't find enough high quality medical advice on the internet, so I joined this Audiophile site.  WTF?????  Why is this thread even allowed in this space?  

ISOCHRONISM AND ROADWHORERECORDS SHOULD BE shunned and banned for posting PATENTLY FALSE disinformation/misinformation. 


I am infectious diesase physician, clinical researcher in COVID-19 and have 25 years experience in practice of infectious disease. 

If your lack of insight and agrogant stubborn foolishness did not impact the health of nornal citizens of this failing republic, I would be happy that you are not vaccinated. Good riddence. Cheers, good listening and stay safe to the normal audiophiles. 


Glad they are okay now. Confused though. Ron never mentions whether they were vaccinated or not. Yet it appears from some of these comments he was NOT vaccinated? Anyone know? Prayers to his family.  Dana