Solid state amp recommendations for Maggies?

I am looking for another amp to drive my magnepan LRS, looking for a solid state amp to deliver more detail than my current tube amp, but don't want to give up (much) of the soundstage and depth.

I have a small listening room with a near field set up, so I don't need a ton of power for ear piercing volume. I listen mostly to acoustic rock, acoustic jazz and female vocalists.  I want more the guitar on Keith don't go and hotel canifornia intro from hell freezes over to  to sound... better...

at the risk of sounding stupid, I am driving these $650 speakers with many thousands of dollars of electronics.  The amp is a Primaluna HP (80wpc using 4 EL34s per channel), CJ ET7 preamp, PS Audio Direct stream DAC and a Naim digital source. All with MG audio silver interconnects and speaker wire. Even the interconnects cost more than the LRS.  

I am very happy with my current set up, but would like to grab another amp to a change of pace.

My budget is $5-8K, used or new.  My room is such that mono blocks set up well, but that is not necessary. 





very happy with LRS and  Odyssey Cyclops Extreme SE Integrated, which I believe has same amp as Khartago Extreme SE...Odyssey can upgrade it even more if you wish...while the Pass amps and Gato Amp 150 sounded great, I felt they were wasted on the LRS...


as usual, scott (@verdant) provides good input

i would only say additionally that in my travels, i can confirm that maggies are one brand of speaker (atc from the uk being the other) that are seemingly modestly priced speakers, but they are truly highly engineered, exacting (and very demanding) devices that call for amplification that is both very strong/powerful and very good sounding, to bring out the best of the speaker’s ability (and driven properly, they are superb)

think higher end solid state, higher up pass, hegel, chord, and several others scott and others have mentioned - you can go for lower priced, high watt per $ ss amps, but with these speakers, you will hear the ill effects

good luck in your quest for the right one -- it is normal (and necessary) that you drive these sub 1000 dollar speakers with amps that are multiples of that cost - if you are committed to that speaker, you would be doing it right, imo

Bryston. Talk to the factory for factory reconditioned pieces - they pack a 5 year warrantee on top of anything remaining from the original sale.

I am currently using a 4SST for a sub and a MP woofer in the HT - and it's very, very good.


Agree with Maggie's needing some serious current and voltage.   Watts per dollar. Bryston. parasound.   Perhaps some older McCormick dna was a great combination.  On the higher end spectral 150/180 but you need their wire and preamps.