"If you think the virus is real and transmissible ...
Do your own research for: has ANY virus EVER been isolated so that a vaccine can be developed"
Not to disappoint, but I don't need to research. The answer is YES - three species of human poliovirus were isolated and used for production the Salk inactivated virus vaccine that eradicated Polio from the US, and almost eradicated it world wide. Then of course, the Vaccina virus, same family (Orthopoxviruses) as the Variola virus that caused - past tense note - Smallpox. That vaccine eradicated Smallpox worldwide. I was part of the Acambis smallpox vaccine project for the US government after the 9/11 attack with subsequent smallpox scare.
Just to name the most obvious and high profile cases. You do yourself no credibility favors when you pose such ludicrously obvious questions as though there's some apochyphal and malign informational trove known only to some awakened few.
As for the rest...well, can't say it more accurately than Nonoise did. BS, on a stick.