Advice needed re: new CD player purchase

Hello everyone. New member but long-time lurker here. My system: Bryston 4B-ST amp, Bryston BP25 preamp, and Meridian 508.24 CD player (all purchased in 1998 and all performing flawlessly), Kimber KCAG balanced interconnects, Audioquest speaker cable, and Esoteric power cords. I have Thiel CS2.4 loudspeakers.

I have about 4500 CDs (about 3% of which are hybrid SACDs). I love my system, but I want a new CD player. Am I right to think that advances in audio technology over the last 24 years have left my Meridian in the dust, sonically speaking? So I have been looking at various players. A few parameters: I will only buy new; I want XLR outputs; and I’d prefer to not spend over 5k.

I’m looking hard at the Bryston BCD-3, and the Technics SL-G700. Having owned Bryston products now for almost 24 years, I’m extremely impressed by their build quality and performance. However, the BCD-3 is not an SACD player. I’ve read a few solid reviews of the Technics, but I’m suspicious of their long-term reliability. There are no dealers where I live or within 200 miles. I looked at the Marantz line, and their only player with balanced outputs is the SA-10, which I’ve heard is awesome but I’m unwilling, at this point, to pay $7500 (although my mind is not closed on the matter).

Anyone here have either the Bryston or the Technics player? Will I notice a marked improvement with a new player (as compared to my 508.24)? Like most of you, this is my life. After work, I listen 2-3 hours per day, sometimes more on weekends. Thanks in advance for your advices.

I can't comment on the Bryston BCD-3, or the Technics SL G-700, but I do own a Technics ST G-30. The sound is excellent & the build is beyond reproach. All you really need to do is count off what really matter's to you. The Bryston is not SACD, the Technics is. The warranty on the Bryston is not the famous 20 year, it's 5 year, same as the Technics. I know where you can pick brand new SL G-700's for $2,999, I'm pretty sure the Bryston goes 3,764, or somewhere near there. I know I was interested in the SL G-700 myself. Either that or a good used PS Audio Perfectwave CD Transport. I'm surprised your not thinking of a Perfeçtwave CD Transport yourself if you haven't already chosen yourself, I know I'm a little late chiming in. If you haven't then read up on on the PS Audio Perfectwave CD Transport, it's SACD and I2S through HDMI output enabled. Either way, good luck, & happy listening. 



I can't comment on the BDA3 or the SL G-700, but I can comment on Technics model ST G-30 Music Server/CD Ripper. The sound is excellent and the build is beyond reproach. You really need to go by the list it sounds you already started. The BCD-3 is not SACD enabled, the SL G-700 is. The warranty on the Bryston is not the 20 year's I think someone commented on. It's 5 year's, same as the SL G-700. I know where you can pick up a SL G-700 for $2,999. I think the the BCD-3 goes for $3,764, or somewhere near there. I was thinking about a SL G-700 myself. Either that or a PS Audio Perfectwave CD Transport. I'm pretty sure your budget would cover a brand new one. Myself I'm lolling at good used one's. Either way, if you haven't took the plunge yet, I know I'm a little late chiming in but . . . happy listening. 

Reading through this thread, it could be deduced that you'd alreday made up your mind to buy the Bryston from the beginning.  

Reading through this thread, it could be deduced that you'd already made up your mind to buy the Bryston from the beginning. 

Actually, if you had read my initial post carefully, I was intent on buying either the Bryston or the Technics. I was looking for advice from people who had used either, or both (and looking for advice not just here). Between the date of my initial post, and the date I bought the Bryston, I received a lot of advice, and did a lot of research. Many of the responses here were about other players, or DACs, and that was to be expected. However, the only deduction you can reasonably make is that I set parameters, and stuck to them. But thanks for your observation.