@thyname Agreed. To live in the moment. Though I do not want to be penny wise dollar foolish. Purchasing, Then to resell later to Zenith status could potentially transpire. In attempt I’m trying to future proof the system. Yes. There will always be the next best thing especially in the digital realm.
Pass xa-25... I don’t see that moving anytime soon. Unless I can audition a 30.8 for a week straight with no financial consequence.
The Herron linestage has held its ground, Yes. I’d love to get the 360. Though its still doing a excellent job.
Digital front end as we all know is the equivalent of driving a new car off the lot.
To continue. Here is an interesting example of how we all might have wasted time and money. Tried a carbon usb. Thought it was ok. Though lacking. Went for a Twl usb cord. Not the best match. Though better.. Before both USB cords purchased Curious was on my list. Though at that time. One would rarely see a used in the wilds. Finally obtained a used curious and I’m content. Standard audiophile nervosa of questioning a first / second tier product to another. I’d rather just make one purchase and be done with it.
I’ve noticed many on this thread started with a mini or a zen, and went up the chain. Yes. You learn alot from plug and play. Though at the same time. Why potentially avoid the inevitable.
For myself there has to be a balance of obtaining equipment. Though at the same time balancing that with building a physical library. I usually purchase two albums a week ( cd/vinyl/lossless ) to keep things fresh.
It is not just owning the equipment. We all know this, but listening to old and new music to appreciate what we have in conjunction with our library. I am about 3,000 deep with vinyl, and approximately 2000 in cds..Just like the rest of the folk here
Sometimes I wish my Mom never introduced me to Coltrane when I was 5 years old. I would have been happy with insipid top 40 music. Played lossy on a soundbar.... ha! Yes. We all can be snobs. I’m simply transparent regarding that factor.