@sokogear yes you re very correct. I admittedly don't know where my cart journey is headed. I currently have a Nag 150 w/ the 200 (Boron) stylus. I like it but there's obviously better. I'd like a Nag 500 and to try a Goldring 1042, Garrott and some tigress. I'll eventually end up going MC at sound point but who knows when.
for now an excellent MM preamp is the goal. I have a used 20/20 coming because the price was low s d I can resell it if it's not for me. I had been set on a Decware but the 7 month build times are now 11+ months (and there's 800 people further back on the list). I've soured on the whole experience so I decided to see what else I should research into oblivion and possibly cancel the order.