I’m looking for an Digital XLR cable

Hi all,

I'm getting a Pontus ll DAC and I'll be needing a digital XLR cable to run from my transport to the Pontus ll.  Almost every cable I currently have is Audioquest, but I would be interested in what others are using and why.  

Thanks for your input. 




I too had Redco build AES/EBU Mogami cable with Neutrik connectors several years ago.  I only briefly tried it with Matrix X-SPDIF 2 from microRendu sending it to PS Audio DirectStream.  Shame on me for not letting it settle in first.  I ended up going to I2S from the Matrix X-SPDIF 2 for use with the DirectStream which also allowed me to utilize higher resolution files, DXD and DSD higher rates.   I added other DACs since and made other equipment changes, and the Redco cable sat dormant.   

This year I added an Antipodes K50.  It has very robust number of different digital outputs including AES/EBU.  I enjoy Christiaan Punter's reviews at HFA (hifi-advice.com).  He did an extensive review on the K50, and in it, indicated he preferred AES/EBU output over USB for that unit.   His current preferred AES/EBU cable is Jorma.  He previously had used a Mogami.   Another addition this year for me is a Mola-Mola Makua with DAC module that has USB, AES/EBU S/PDIF optical and ethernet Roon Ready input.   Out of curiosity, I inserted the Redco cable between the K50 and the Makua.   I let the cable settle in this time and was  suprised how nice it sounded.   That did stir curiousity regarding a "higher end" AES/EBU cable though.

On an Antipodes forum, a thread was started by a user asking what others were using for AES/EBU cables with their Antipodes.   One user responded how very happy he is with a Sablon cable, and indicated he preferred over the Omega Shunyata, which got my attention.  I have Sablon etherent cable and had read many happy reviews of their USB cable.   This user purchased his preowned at an excellent price.  His is the standard offering from Sablon, not with the optional Bocchino platinum plated terminations, a $400 upcharge.   I checked the preowned market for a bit hoping to find either, but none were offered.   I reached out to Sablon out ask what presentation differences were between his Oyaide Focus XLR vs Bocchino, and he responded he feels the Bocchino has "more evolved micro details/nuances/tonal structures" and very involving for the listener.   I elected to try the Sablon Bocchino.

Cable presentation evolved a great deal within first 20 hours playing--from somewhat lean, then somewhat overly emphasized bass to very nicely balanced with excellent layers and tone.  I am still shy of 100 hours on it, but I do really like what I am getting.   I agree with the description he provided on presentation.   Yes, the cable is better than my Redco Mogami, but also at a much higher price of $1150, which includes the $400 Bocchino option).  I now prefer using the Sablon AES/EBU from K50 over that of USB (Triode Wire Labs and Wireworld Platinum Starlight) or ethernet to Makua Roon Ready (Sablon Ethernet 2020 from K50 to Makua with Audio Sensibility Signature ethernet cable from PF Buffalo switch to K50).

Sablon makes his cables on demand, and do not believe there are demo ones available, at least in the US, but it could be worthwhille to inquire with Mark--I did not.  

I have done a whole lot of R&D and testing for creating my own ASE/EBU XLR digital cable.  One thing to note here is that a cable composition that works great for analog audio does NOT translate over to good performance of digital.  The XLR connector plays a MAJOR role in the end result.  I went through a bunch of different connectors (Neutrik, Furutech, Neotech, rhodium plated, gold plated).  The absolute best connector I found that was highest resolution and most neutral for digital XLR is the Oyaide Focus.  I'm not sure what the Sablon custom XLR connector is made from and I, obviously, have not tested with it.

If I were to "buy" a retail cable, I would probably be looking at the Black Cat solutions.  The Sablon may be excellent as well.  Generally, solid silver works better in digital cables and a larger awg is also better.  Obviously, solid-core conductors are superior over stranded conductors.

Thanks for all your replies.

My newest ic's are Audioquest Colorado's, about 8-9 years so hearing about other cable companies and newer cables should help me decide one which one to get.
A brand that I found today is Clarus. They have two lines of ic's, Aqua and Crimson. One meter AES cables are $870 and like $18xx. Anyone know if these are 3.5  and 7.5 times better sounding than the AQ one meter Carbon AES at $250 or Redco's @ $100 or Mogami @?



I cannot comment on Clarus products because I have never used them.  I will say that many cable manufacturers will create a "standard" way of making their cables and then do this for all types of cables (analog interconnect, speaker, power cord, digital, etc.).  Sometimes they also use the same conductor geometry (for example, some companies have absolutely no difference between their Analog XLR interconnect and their ASE/EBU cable).

If you look at Clarus, ALL their cables use gold-plated connectors, regardless of cable model or cable type.  This is an easy solution because gold-plated generally sounds good in all scenarios.  However, it is definitely not the best if you want the most resolution out of your system. 

I have found that heavy rhodium plated connectors (Furutech) are best for analog type cables (interconnect, speaker, power cord).  However, rhodium plated just does not work well for digital cables.  It overlays the sound with a cold sonic signature (definitely a coloration) and does not give you the most high frequency resolution.

Silver plated and pure silver connectors are best for digital, i.e. the Oyaide Focus XLR.  Personally, I would start investigating companies such as Black Cat Cable.  If you look at all their cables you will see that they use different connectors depending on what kind of cable it is.  Nordost is another good company to research for digital cables.

The best digital cable I've heard, bar none, is Jorma digital. I was extremely fortunate to find a used Spdif version a few years ago. They do make an XLR AES/BU version probably around $1500 new.