Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived - 2 Timothy 3:13

With all due respect to my American friends, stop it already!! You need to get a grip on things.

Way ahead of you buddy. I’ve got my three shots already, following all the protocol from the best and most informed medical experts out there. Three jabs to add to all the ones I’ve had in my life and all the better for it. No biggie.

All the best,


@ghasley when you censor people, take them off YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.... You create Bitchute.

I for one am glad that people can still share ideas, and there are workarounds to this insane corporate censorship that has taken over the world.

I used to think the whole Iraq had weapons of mass destruction fiasco was the worst thing the media had ever done, but this Covid Fear Factory that they have ginned up, takes the cake by a long mile.

They are pure evil.

And it's going to get a lot worse before things start to change. 

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" (Exodus 20:16)

How do you reconcile yourself with that one, isochronic? 

All the best,


@ghasley And my condolences for your mother. Hope you at least got to say your goodbyes before the end 🙏 The last 2 years have been a nightmare in that regard.