Listening to music I don’t particularly like

Do you find yourself listing to music you don't particularly like because it sounds so good on your system? If I'm honest with myself I am an old dude who grew up with classic rock and really enjoy it but a lot of it was not well recorded. So I find myself listening more and more to other genres of music that I normally wouldn't  just because they sound so good on my system. I don't know what this says about me, maybe I am more of an "equipmentphile" than a music lover? I keep listening to music ranging from classical to vocal jazz to country and I love the sound of it  but it doesn't get my toes tapping like a good old rock song from my youth. I was even listening to Chinese drums today. Is there hope for me? Will I ever ever enjoy this music as much as I enjoy the "sound"?


I don't generally listen to music that I don't like. I'm also a classic rock aficionado, going back to R&B and doo-wop. I find myself enjoying more recent and well-recorded covers of the oldies.

I have found that when I listen to music that I like it makes me happy. Tonight I am not happy and some of my of my collection is headed to St Vincent de Paul. Live is too short to listen to music that doesn't make you happy.

I may not listen to something because it is poorly recorded, but I never listen to something just because it is recorded well. There is more than enough out there that satisfies both requirements.

a few thoughts

- just like food, wine, movies, etc, sometimes it is nice to veer out of one's comfort zone to experience something new (especially if recommended by those whose taste you like, respect, trust) - sometimes it can open a door to new pleasures

- that been said, i think an important aspect of putting together a hifi system is to be honest and realistic about the source and music types you will listen to most of the time, and optimize for those

- i remember back in the vinyl days, we all waited each month for the newest releases by mofi and other such audiophile record labels remastering.recutting beloved gems... so the notion to of seeking best versions of music we enjoy is hardly new

- end of the day, even with music genres. listening to comfort-food music of medium recording quality vs audiophile tracks of mediocre musical content, one also needs to find a healthy, enjoyable balance

bikeske -- Try the Third Movement, the Adagio, of Bruckner's Symphony #8, in a performance by Eugen Jochum and the Berlin Philharmonic on Deutsche Grammaphon. The rest of the symphony can get, as Bruckner tends to be, more than a little long in the tooth. But the Third Movement is as beautiful and moving as anything I've ever come across. I love it dearly.