When the ancient Egyptians suffered greatly or sometimes only hated a Pharaoh, they erased his name from statue, monument, and erased his cartouch from every corner of the country and the history...Akhnaten for example....
Language is sacred, and no linguist, being scientist, can vouch that language is sacred..But it is....The "sacred" exist even if James Randi think that the "sacred" is only a "placebo" for example....
And the founding fathers of any nations on Earth KNOW that the language we used is sacred when they founded a nation...
When people change the meaning of words, societies crumble...Words have a weight in human interaction...
All poets know that truth which is nowadays hidden or negated...
Words means...
Without meaning society turn to dust....
What is meaning?
The great Charles Sanders Peirce thought that he was knowing what it is... I dont know if he was right...Probably....
But meaning is meaning ONLY like a collective sacred possession...No robot can own meaning...Algorithms are not words... They are not sacred...