Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube



When you go to the doctor because you’re not feeling well, there’s one piece of information you want to know above all others…

You want to know what’s wrong.

Is that asking too much?

Apparently it is. A new Mayo Clinic study exposes how appallingly bad America’s health care system is at providing accurate diagnoses.

Only 12% of patients who came to the famed hospital in Rochester, Minn., for a second opinion were given a completely accurate diagnosis by their primary care doctor, the study showed.

About 20% of patients with serious conditions—like cancer—were told they had a completely different illness. These are the kinds of cases where the right diagnosis can mean the difference between life and death. But doctors are routinely getting them wrong.


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Medecine is an ART....

Founded on science advances and progress...

But doctors exist in all cultures at all times...

Egyptian doctors were priests able to cure brain damage and dentistry...

Medecine being an ART and a craft, not reducible to technology or any other science, is a PRACTICE about the well being of all and between FREE humans in our society...

Medecine must be learned like an ART and a CRAFT and NEVER sold to corporates interest...

There is 2 facts to know about doctors: they vouch to do anything for the better of their patient, this is their sacred OATH ...And they must being doctors, be completely FREE to act and with the treatment they will think will be right...They must be free to chose the right drugs for us...We are free to change our doctors after all ....And it is a very good thing if there exist different schools of medecine: allopathic,chinese,vedic,natural,etc

Doctors can make human errors...We all did...No one can condemn...

But there exist also the great cause of errors : errors of the system which is in place by power, errors of the system imposed on doctors...

These are 2 different types or errors...This second source of errors must be CONDEMNED...For example the "totalitarian" so to speak technological attempt in the first decade of this century to reduce all schools of medecine to only one, so-called scientific...

WE must not attack doctors, but we must attack a wrong system and his promoters if it dont work...

And this system has FAILED totally in this pandemic...Not the heroic doctors but the system where they are captives or hostages has failed...



And in a word: Surgery is a miraculous craft in modern medecine but Surgery by itself cannot replace all other approaches, solutions and schools...

A surgeon is not a doctor treating a flu,

is not an hygienist,

is not a shaman,

is not every other fields of medecine by itself ,

Then varieties of practices must rule medecine, and freedom...

Future A.I. expert system could be tool but will not replace human doctors save in a HIVE...We are not bees...But spiritual being....

Alas! Some think humans must become a hive, interchangeable bees, with a little help for sure....


«We are not bees but honey is the best drug for sure, go figure»-Groucho Marx 🤓

The system is broken.

It is a Big Pharma corporate system, that is geared towards pushing pills and injections. Nutrition is not a focus, and health is ignored on favor of disease management.

I wouldn’t wish chemo on my worst enemy, as far as I am concerned it is downright quackery. In 50 years people are going to look back at this stuff and compare it to Bloodletting.

I think a person, outside of catastrophic injuries, is better off never seeing a doctor, and just investing their hard earned money into buying better food, and taking care of their diet.

I don’t blame the Doctors, most just do what they are taught, very few look at medicine in any holistic way, I however blame the whole corporate allopathic paradigm.

Outside of AntiBiotics and Surgery, it has very little to offer. Mitigation of symptoms is not any measure of Health.

So your telling me they need a better way to diagnose the problems. Today they can almost do it via phone. You need to have a good doctor.. I agree.

The 20/80 rules don’t apply to Doctors according to your stats. 20% of the Doctors do 80% of the work.. I truely think it is 90/100, the other way around.. 90% of doctors follow UP on 100% of their patients.10% don’t. I understand 10% is really high, too.

My mother died of pancreatic cancer, she didn’t drink, she took care of herself. Retired nurse, 71. No idea WHY? It took about 4 months, she was never in pain and walked up to 5 days before she went to heaven.. Never stressed, great doctors.. 1996.. No body gets out alive..

BTW it was determined he had higher levels of lead than normal.. She lived in the same place for 20 years, a new condo. It was the solder they used in 1975 on the NEW copper pipes they said..Lead and low preasure were a deadly combination. She boiled her water on the stove for coffee, over and over. She didn’t waste anything. Concentrated the lead even more..

That discovery saved a lot of people from the same fate, they change ALL the old copper to new even before we sold the place. HOA, we did'nt even have to pay for it with money anyway.
