So your telling me they need a better way to diagnose the problems. Today they can almost do it via phone. You need to have a good doctor.. I agree.
The 20/80 rules don’t apply to Doctors according to your stats. 20% of the Doctors do 80% of the work.. I truely think it is 90/100, the other way around.. 90% of doctors follow UP on 100% of their patients.10% don’t. I understand 10% is really high, too.
My mother died of pancreatic cancer, she didn’t drink, she took care of herself. Retired nurse, 71. No idea WHY? It took about 4 months, she was never in pain and walked up to 5 days before she went to heaven.. Never stressed, great doctors.. 1996.. No body gets out alive..
BTW it was determined he had higher levels of lead than normal.. She lived in the same place for 20 years, a new condo. It was the solder they used in 1975 on the NEW copper pipes they said..Lead and low preasure were a deadly combination. She boiled her water on the stove for coffee, over and over. She didn’t waste anything. Concentrated the lead even more..
That discovery saved a lot of people from the same fate, they change ALL the old copper to new even before we sold the place. HOA, we did'nt even have to pay for it with money anyway.