What is the best USB cable under $500 for a natural presentation and good detail ?

I have had a bunch of usb cables the vast majority are well over $500 for a 1 meter cable.   , I need a good usb cable  for new dac in my other audio system.

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Just going to casually place this here and leave before the pitchforks....



Go with grannyring's cable (Acoustic BBQ)!! Best value, a no brainer!! Competes with cables at almost twice its price! To get a better cable you will have to invest close to $1,000!!!

@peter_s I don't know how true it is but I read years ago that all digital cables should be 1.5m or more, how much more I have no idea. However as far as USB goes lots of them come in a standard size of 1.5m so maybe this is correct.