Replacement for current speakers suggestions

Greetings! I am 64 years old and started the hi fi journey at 19. I am thinking of replacing my current speakers. I have a pair of Von Shweikert VR 2's driven by a Mcintosh MA 250. Analogue sources are a Clearaudio Emotion Red with a Hana EH cartridge, the second deck is a Technics SL-1200 GR with a Clearaudio Maestro Cartridge. My VR 2's sound outstanding with the Mac however, they are sounding clinical these days. I realise that at 64 with all my health issues hearing changes for the worse. Diabetic for 39 years, Cardiac issues, (massive MI in 95, double bypass in 05) and the latest is stage 4 cancer, no remission possible! I like a warm sound that recreates music in great detail without sounding clinical, not sure if that makes sense! Disability does not pay all that well! The days of affording 3k to 5k are done! Looking at some Wharfdale towers, Maggies and possily Monitor Audio. I want to stay abour or below 2k.I will appreciate your opinions!

Thanks, Bogiedr


Ok please let's stop piling up on MC, as I said in an earlier post, probably a very nice person who simply comes across in a manner I did not appreciate. Different ways of communicating. I said my peace and he was enough of a gentleman to abide by my request. Please lets stop the persecution of a forum member! I respectfully ask to stop all the attacks on MC ... if you had that many issues were they communicated to MC? Again he is enough of a gentleman to respect my request, so stop the dislike!! Please!!!!! Thank you all for your recommendations and laying off MC. God bless you all!! 

Maggie's are a fine choice.   They like power so don't be afraid to feed them well. Enjoy!

For the record I didn’t scold, nor was I condescending. I simply pointed out that this is the second time this same exact thing has come up recently.

Yes OP you said your hearing changed. You also made an even bigger point of being on a budget. My posts took both factors into account. Since then I stayed away not because you asked but because I already said what needed to be said. Something I often times do. Speak your peace, which in my case translates to provide the relevant information, then let the people make up their own minds.

Nice you are asking people to lay off. But you could have done that too yourself. Instead you thought better to not only ignore my thoughtful and very useful advice and instead insult me with your grandpa scolding you comment. So, hypocrite. So typical. People in glass houses, etc etc.

It is one of the bigger and yet unspoken problems around here. Some like me have such comprehensive knowledge we can solve pretty much anything. Except we cannot read minds. So when someone says they are on a budget but then insists on spending money unnecessarily anyway there just ain’t much we can do, now is there, sonny?

Figure out what it is that you really want and when you do maybe try again. Meantime thanks for the better late than never help. But there was a whole entire thread devoted to the topic of apologizing for misjudging me. Nothing phases the haters. Nothing. MDS. It is a thing.

I would just like to take one more moment to point out the obvious contrast. Where I provided solid actionable solutions that befit your budget, others recommend power hogs that will kill your budget leaving you spending ever more money trying to find the amp that can drive them. But they disguise their bad advice with folksy humor. Some people like that. Others prefer the truth.

Choose wisely.

Gee MC I apologize for trying to do the right thing when ugly name calling started, no call for that. I am not a hypocrite far from it but you have your thoughts and opinions and as civilized people that we are it is ok to disagree. I sincerely wish you a fabulous Thanksgiving and peaceful day with your loved ones! God bless you.

Another kef ls50 fan here.   I have both originals and metas.   Metas are quite captivating.  See system pics. Former Maggie owner.   The challenge with Maggie’s  for some is the distance from rear wall required for best results.  Set them up right and they are special though.  So many good sounds, so little time (and money).  Best wishes and Happy listening.