Tube Vs. SS Preamps

Oddly in +25 yrs in the hobby, I’ve never really owned a tube preamp. Can you comment on what the differences are in general sonic terms? I want a really fatigue free sound with lots of body (I run class A and class AB solid state amps).

Do you find SS preamps to be fatiguing typically, more so on average than tube ones? Or is it simply the added bloom that's appealing with tube preamps?


Dogmatic approach to the question is wrong. Individual preference should be on the first place. Personality, I prefer tubes in pre amplification. I moved to tubes from SS in my main system about 15 years ago and never looked back, however I still have SS preamps in my two secondary systems so I’m getting proof of tubes superiority any time I’m listening there.
Recently I had chance to talk to one of my kid’s friends who appeared to be an audio Ingener… :) Young fellow has own opinion on SS vs Tubes….He said that old guys love tube sound cause it’s reminds them sound how it was long time ago, when they were young, when grass was greener and candies sweeter, but It has nothing to do with sound quality.. he also mentioned that his generation prefers SS as it’s their “greener grass” and “sweeter candies” :)

Try something really cheap to get a feel for it. The Schiit Vali 2 is $150 and definitely gives you a taste of the tube flavor. I found the soundstage way overperformed at the price. You could even put it in the chain after your existing preamp.

MaxWave. Wow, congratulations! If what my guys are saying is correct the Bramma should be amazing. I know I love my L2ise better than anything else that I have heard. The stock tubes are good, but I use the Takatsuki TA-300 Bs.The Taks are really nice. Many Rossi users have reported these Taks as best. I have not heard the new Western Electrics personally. enjoy!




many thanks

the way I understand it, the Brama can be used in tube mode or SS mode

( class A ) at a click of a button .

Someone should never buy , before he has heard it ,  I know.

I hope it will be a nice discovery.