Damaged Driver

It looks like a stray probing finger pushed in the center dome of a midrange driver on one of my speakers in my back-up system. It doesn't seem to effect the sound quality but is unsightly. Has anyone had any success in pulling out the dimple without replacing the driver?


I can't count the number of times I've fixed dented dust caps for a simple repair or a stressed out buddy.. Tape or a vacuum cleaner for the easy ones and a dental pick for the real bad ones. A tiny pic hole, pull out the dents and then a tiny dab of nail polish. If they are torn or destroyed, you can replace just the duct cap..


Yes it requires you cut the old cap off the cone and glue a new one on.. Sounds spooky, it's not. You just act like you've done it before with a firm hand and a sharp single sided razor, razor knife, or a stick craft blade..


I've removed a LOT of dust caps because I add phase plugs to my drivers..



Vacuum cleaner on lowest power. Gently, carefully.

Dust caps are even seen by some as unnecessary.

My Tannoys have been modified by Lockwood Audio and no longer have any dust caps and I always leave the grilles on.