MHZS Audio CD-66, Looks nice but is it any good ?

I saw this player listed for sale and it looks like a very nice unit but i have not heard of this company. Maybe i don,t get out that much !!!. Does anyone have one ? and if so what do you like and dislike about it? Thanks for your time.

Vince interesting the mods you made. I just had my cayin 17 opamps changed by a local tech guy. And it has made a significant improvement over what was out of the box great player. So changing opamsp is easy(they pop out) and highly recommended.
Now I'm looking for better 6922 tubes.
But also may change the caps to Mundorf, which will cost me 200/parts/labor.
Do you suggest changing the caps?
Which caps would you change? The outputcaps are WIMA and judging by the size they are MKP10, which are, in my humble opinion, very fine caps. I've used them in the Music Envoy Monos (strangely the pre-amp comes with an all WIMA MKP10 interior, the power-amp not).
Mundurf MCAP supreme are probably better caps, but I wonder if the investment would pay of. 200 dollars also buys you a couple of good CDs. In the end it really is about the software, although I too can get cought up in the modification fever.... I sometimes find myself listening to the effects of a cable or mod instead of listening to the music.
With the Jolida I put Mundorf caps in the power supply, but I used WIMAs in the analog output section.
Bypassing the outputcaps with small, high quality caps is also an option perhaps.
With the Cayin, as with every unit, I would modify the power supply the most.

Changing the tubes is always an easy upgrade and fun. Especially the standard tubes in Chinese gear are quite bad sometimes.
Anyone have a link to info on the newest MHZS CD 88. This machine reportedly has tube rectification.
Thanks. Not sure specificly you mean by modifying power supply. The Cayin offers 2 high quality power supplies. But i do recall my tech guy mentioning something about 'buffers" if this is what you mean.
He also did not highly recommend changing the caps to mundorf as it would only mean a "flavor" difference. He suggests I search out a quad of 6922's and put my money in that first. Then maybe looking at changing caps.
No i'm not getting caught up in the tweaks and forgetting the music. I'm trying to bring as much revealing to my music as possible. My classical collection is near complete and so have a few spare $'s for tweaks.

I purchased a brand new MHZS CD66 player from an ebay merchant in Hong Kong for $550.00. Mine is not modified. Out of the box it sounded a little bright (vocals) so I let it play continuously for approx. 150 hrs. and the brightness reduced a bit. I don't find it very tube-like. On the positive side, I do find it to be open & detailed. It is not kind to bright or poor recordings.

I did compare it to my Classe CDP-10 and felt the Classe to be more tonally correct but not by much. The Classe is 3-4 times it's price brand new.

For the price, it's a steal. It's built like a tank & has nice RCA output connectors.

Most likely I will sell it in the future on ebay or audiogon. Undecided as I speak.

Hope this helps. I will answer any more questions.
