Mc 240 vs. Prima Luna

Good morning all, hope everyone is well and ready for the holidays. 

I may need someone to talk me away from the ledge. (fairly normal state for me these days).

Story is this. I have been saving to add a second McIntosh 240 to my system. I have one now that does a fine job powering my Klipsch Heresy IV's. It was recently refurbished by Audio Classics in Vestal NY. (by the way, can't reccmomend them highly enough, especially Ryan).

Anyway, I'm getting close to being able to pony up for the second 240. Plan is to bridge them in mono and have 80 WPC effectivly. 

However.... I have been reading much about the Prima Luna's. Modern.. Warm... ability to roll several tube types.. sweet mid, good low end..

Do I stick with my original plan, get the second 240, (built in the US, tank like construction, known sound and cool factor).

Or do I chase the neat new shiny Prima Luna's ?

Any thoughts are welcome..




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I plan on giving this a try once I get home in a couple of weeks. I also use a servo sub for everything lower than 80hz. I love the combination of the servo with my horn speakers. I have been thinking about upgrading to a pair of the dual servo flatpack from GR Research. 


My apologies for discussing something other than you Mc240 vs Prima Luna question. 


I ran  pair of  Mc 240 years ago and it was just ok at best..I  also owned the prima luna..I opt for the rprima Luna without thing twice

So coincidental that those were my two choices for my first foray into tubes. In the end, I went with Primaluna. I do have regrets but it's not like can't get one down the road. The problem is that the Primaluna is so damn easy and fun. It's got it's own branded sound: warm, musical and ballsy...a little lacking in the final bits of detail but very good with 7581a tubes! I have the Evo 400

here is a photo of the guts of a Mike Samra modified 240. The 240 has the best output transformers Mac ever built including to this day. Run it stereo. In fighting trim it always makes 50+ wpc, enough w Klipsch to deform your head. The Dead used 4 MC240 in mono for the early days PA.

Buy another, send best one to Mike in Michigan, get it back…break in those PIO caps…magic…..