Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided

For a while now I've been reading these forums and to be honest i was thinking of leaving. I felt a bit out of depth given that it seems so many others have had so much experience through owning what seems to be tens of speakers, amplifiers, DACs etc etc and reading people buying and selling piece after piece after piece on the search for some sound.... 

When someone asks advice about a certain item it seems like half the audience have owned it and moved on and have a comment to make. I then read about someone buying an extremely expensive amp and deciding quickly to sell it because it doesn't sound right. Then someone else is on their fourth DAC in a year. 

So all these people have advice to give. What I'm wondering now is, is advice from a person who's never content, constantly changing their system, never living with a system for long enough, and have more money than patience, really the right person to take advice from? .

There seems fewer (maybe they're less vocal) people who buy gear and spend the time to appreciate it, and have maybe only had a very few systems in their lifetime. I think I'd rate their advice higher on the gear they know than the constant flipper/upgrader.

Is the constant flipper/upgrader always going to say that the gear they used to own was no good and they've now got better? Maybe their constant searching is because their ear is no good or they're addicted to the rush of opening a new box. 

Just because person X has owned a lot of equipment doesn't mean their advice is to be sought after, it could mean the exact opposite.


Thanks, @ghdprentice ...;)  Since most of the ''dis'd-assembled " within these hollowed-out grounds are primarily 2 chan, 'balance in all things' ought to be of a primal concern.....*tongue so deep in cheek, extends out ear*

It's only the dipoled omni snorts like moi' that don't need craven hot liquid wax worship objects'd art to distract from the Reel Toot...


Sin-ge along: 

11 Moustachioed Daughters.
Running in a field of fat.
The full moon high, the mandrakes speak, please come
To our sabat.

The changing children shiver round the fire their
Mothers dance.
Strangely painted faces that smile but never laugh.

The crow pecked gibbet's victim, swings broken in his cage
His hands cut down to make a crown to wear as a
Round and round the magic things our fingers fastly
And wolf like things and toads with wings whisper wetly
"Come with us"

Fresh plucked eye of a favourite cat, pulped and mixed
With white hens fat, a lapwings wing, and lions roar, like belladonna to make your eyes
Like a beast

To anoint the body and make it shine
To drink and make thyself divine
To choose another form and make it thine

And knowledge of a blasphemy
And fill the fetid air
With ancient lies
And leprous cries
This night he will be there

A madness has the mouthsgate wide,
As one they sway and moan,
And every brutish face is turned
To see our goat kings throne

Worship for satan heehee

"....I think John Wayne was in it...." ;)

...and more audible on the lp, once you scrape off the ointment...

How will you know when you've captured what you are chasing? Is that the actual goal? Or is it the chase? Not judging. Just honestly curious.