Think of it as a form of prismatic separation (of the known components of the signal/intelligence) or similar, at the surface of the wire.
Therefore... the physical shape of the wire and it’s overall cross sectional aspects play into it heavily.
Think of this as tied to the delta or rate of change. Where the delta is the highest in the signal, this also is the greatest effect upon the ’intelligence’ of the signal.
The ear hears principally (almost entirely) via the transients, which are the high delta components. the human er and the brain tied to has an almost crazy level of quality of sensitivity to complex harmonic function in transients and micro transients, as a package. Which varies across individuals, as does intelligence and whatnot. We are not al the same so these sensitivities cannot be given a singular number. It is also a variable that can learn and it can move around. A self adjusted world class FFT sytem, for the best of listeners. But wait, it gets even more complex. Which is all part of the question that deniers of cable need to get straight.
Thus the small area of the signal that is adversely modulated and altered via the interactive point of the fields and the wire, just happens to be the place where 100% of your hearing resides.
FYI, the liquid metal alloy of the Teo Audio cables, has no surface, not in the way that the ’lattice structure’ of the atomic bonding of a piece of ’wire’ has. The two are radically different in behavior and in the physics of it all, specifically in the way they each deal with the delta of the signal (and the rest of it)...