trying to contact Albertsportis

Does anyone here know if AlbertSportis actually sells the speakers he has listed on the classified forum?  I have tried to contact him a number of times, in a number of different ways, but do not get a response.  I even made an offer on a pair of Sonus Faber but got not response.

I know this a strange first post, but any information would be appreciated.

Thanks very much.



One of the best internet dealers I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with.

FAIR pricing and equipment as advertised

I purchased two REL S2 SHO’s on faith because I had never met him and he was great to work with. He helped me set them up on the phone and was very helpful. He is straight forward and he won’t hesitate to tell what he thinks. Too many dealers will tell you what you want to hear. He is very trustworthy and a great guy. I hope to buy my next amp and speakers from him. I hope to meet him one day.

Purchased  a Luxman amp from the gentleman. Great great guy to do business with. Another would be Kevin from Upscale Audio. 

I would also like to add Albert has been extremely helpful to me and absolutely great to deal with. Highly recommended.

He is a busy guy so be patient. He will respond. 

Tom D. 



I bought a pair of Martin Logan 11a from him for a very reasonable price and he shipped them to me in NM with the best shipping company I have ever worked with.  I have never met him but would buy from him again without worries.