What is the best USB cable under $500 for a natural presentation and good detail ?

I have had a bunch of usb cables the vast majority are well over $500 for a 1 meter cable.   , I need a good usb cable  for new dac in my other audio system.


I use the IN-AKUSTIK Reference USB 2.0 cable, it's has been designed especially for low-loss HD audio streaming and has very low jitter

.75 mters at a cost of approx $400

Very smooth presentiation with tremendous instrument seperation

This was a recommnedation from Andrew Gillis at Small Green Computer

He has done very indepth comparisons of USB cables and a great source for additional info


1,876 posts

You will always have members like@secretaryguy coming into threads bashing things they don’t have a clue about. It’s the same in every forum, nothing new here. It all sounds the same. These guys need to take up needlepoint or coin collecting.

Guys like me get tired of seeing people waste money on things that don't matter. People like you just keep regurgitating things they read on a magazine somewhere because they think it makes them seem "educated". I see it everywhere on forums. (People talking about Magnepans are generally the worst offenders.)

Trust me. I've forgotten more about audio than you will ever know.

But, by all means. Spew on. Spend on. It's your money to waste. And clearly the mods here won't risk offending the the companies that feed their golden goose.

Trust me. I've forgotten more about audio than you will ever know.

Never trust anyone who says "trust me".



Trust me. I've forgotten more about audio than you will ever know.


Well you can trust me when I tell you that you are full of s$&t.

Why do you think it’s your duty to tell people what to spend their money on? You are just an internet busybody who should mind his own business.