Suggestions for CD player $2-3k used?

I am looking for a CD player/source in the $2-3k range, used. primarily for Redbook CD playback. Other equipment consists of Aerial 9, McCormack DNA500 and VTL 5.5. I like players that have a coherent, natural sounding presentation and do not overemphasize any portion of the frequency spectrum. I do however like players that offer deep, detailed bass and lively dynamics, although I would prefer to stay away from players with on overly up-front or "in your face" presentation, and those that overemphasize the upper frequency range. Players I have considered include;
Meridian G08 (good reviews, like the looks but hate the remote)
Cary 303-300
Ayre CX7e (overly tipped up toward the high frequencies?)
Modded Sony or Denon players - Modwright?
Electrocompaniet EMC-1Up/mkll (does this compete with newer units?)
McCormack UDP-1 Deluxe
Resolution Audio Opus 21 (is this unit dynamic and detailed?)
Sim Audio Eclipse (older technology?)
and lower priced players;
Classe CDP-10 (could be a bargin?)
Sim Audio CD 5.3 (can't find out too much other than from mfg's website)
Any further insight on my choices, or other suggestions would be appreciated.
Mitch2: No, I have not compared the CD-3 to the CD-3 Mk. II. The latter costs roughly 10% more than the former, and as audio occupies the same universe as everything else and you thus tend to get what you pay for, it surely must be better. And as your Aerials are very fine speakers, I would think that you would benefit from the Mk. II.
What did you end up with, Mitch? I recently purchased a 303/300 and am enjoying it's warm, natural sound, imaging, and frequency extension. I'm only familiar with the G08 from 15 and 20 minute in-store demos, which don't really mean anything, but at least I wasn't disappionted.

To obtain the Cary, I gave up my Meridian 508.24, which I'd owned for many, many years and can say was one of the very best cd players I've ever heard (for its ability to communicate the essence of music in an organic way). The Cary is surely quieter and cleaner, and perhaps a little better at this, a little better at that, but the 508.24 could still coexist with it. Easily. I am happy with the Cary, but because of that great, multi-year experience with the 508.24, I'm still intrigued to hear the G08 over a period of days or wks in my home system.
Hi Sundaycomix, I still haven't got things set to my satisfaction yet...what else is new? I have been revolving preamps lately. I went with the Ayre CX7e player based on its solid build quality, great reviews, excellent company reputation, and fully balanced circuitry. It is a nice player, but I am currently using it single-ended into a VTL 5.5, which is a very nice tube preamp but doesn't maximize the potential of the balanced circuitry of the Ayre player or my DNA 500 amp. I am awaiting the return of an Atma-Sphere MP-3 preamp that Ralph Karsten's crew is currently upgrading for me. I am a little limited in preamp choices by the lowish 10K ohm input impedance of the McCormack amp. I have considered the Calypso and Aesthetix says it will work with the McCormack but with an output impedance of near 4k ohm at 20Hz, I am concerned of a LF rolloff with that preamp. Anyway, the Ayre certainly sounds good (maybe not quite as good as the Muse Model 10 I recently parted with) but I will be able to comment more fully after I have had some time with it in a fully balanced set up. I should have the MP-3 back in a week or so, and I am looking forward to trying that combo. - Tim