Now have Bel Canto DAC 2.7 and it smokes both the Ferot and BP.
I really hate comments like this because everyone has them. Just watch now for people coming out of their nooks and crannies and saying "this DAC is the absolute best" just because it's the dac they have.
I generally try to tell people what kind of sound a certain piece of equipment or combination will make instead of saying "this dac is better than this other dac".
I would love for people to do the same here. In what ways does the Bel Canto 2.7 sound --different-- than the BP and Ferot dacs? What does it bring to the table? What does it take away? lol. This will help people much more than just saying "this dac smokes xxx".
As far as the Bel Canto 2.7, it doesn't look really impressive internally. A rather small transformor and power supply with op amps littered all over the I/V and output stage. Because of the linear power supply, this dac may sound better than the stock Ferot. But I bet the Ferot with linear power supply would beat the Bel :Canto.
As far as Border Patrol vs Bel Canto, I think it is a difference in sonic signature. jerryg123 might like the resolution of the Bel Canto much better than the organic (slightly messy) character of the Border Patrol. Does that mean Bel Canto smokes Border Patrol??? It's up to the listener and what they are looking for.