cdp's you had glitches with

Please post cdp's you had glitches with. Especially those which are ad in the stereo mags. Not only glitches, but also sound issues. IOW you expected more, but got less.
Seems the Bluenore Stiibert owners are taking "the hit" and now today we havea report of a Shanling gone "bad". I feel for these guys. And its our duty to members to report shabby build qulaity.
Has Cary worked out its issues with their players as yet?
Newbee point being that there are coverups going on in the digital players. Some are having issues and not reporting them. I witnessed the cary 303 with problems. i'm only reporting, folks can buy whatever they want. I'm just makinga place where folks can voice their bad experiences. If my Cayin's have glitches, I;'ll make it a point to report. Lets be open minded, certain cdp's have glitches. There are certain amps that also have glitches, but thats a whole nuther wasp nest. I won;t mention any names, I can see this topic already has flack. Its cdp's thats my main concern. cary did come through for my friend, but its no simple matter returning a unit 2 or 3 X's in the first 6 mons of ownership.
Bartokfan, I agree with you,by informing us which cdp that has issue,is a service to all of us .I almost bought Shanling,but reading here I did find some owners who are encountering minor glitches,So I decided to do more research,I end up buying, SonyModwright9000es,And I never look back.This save me a lot of money,time,and headache.I seldom post here now,I dont have time,Iam busy listening to my music..Thanks
i'm only reporting
I won;t mention any names
If both statements were true, then what exactly do you have to say? But then again you did mention Bluenote, Cayin and Cary.
there are coverups going on
I'll only start to take you seriously when you begin calling for a Congressional investigation?
Mine was a Rega Jupiter(2000). I have never had a CDP that would skip from footfall or bass feedback. Although Steve Lauerman, importer at the time did send me a complete new player, it did the same and I traded it in on an Ikemi at another Rega dealer.
Shanling CDT 100, it never read CD's well, now it has to be turned off and on to read a new CD. Sounds nice though.
On the other hand, I had a Copland 206? I can't remember, for 4 years before that and now it has had incredible abuse from my son for 3 years, never a moments problem with it.