cdp's you had glitches with

Please post cdp's you had glitches with. Especially those which are ad in the stereo mags. Not only glitches, but also sound issues. IOW you expected more, but got less.
Seems the Bluenore Stiibert owners are taking "the hit" and now today we havea report of a Shanling gone "bad". I feel for these guys. And its our duty to members to report shabby build qulaity.
Has Cary worked out its issues with their players as yet?
Sorry to hear about your Jolida problems. All too often we tend to evaluate component usage by years instead of hours. Statistically a cd player (or amp or preamp, etc.) used 5 hours per week should last far longer than one used 30 hours per week. Stands to reason.
There is a reason that inexpensive players such as Jolida, Cayin, Rega, Eastern Electric, etc. are inexpensive. Now I'm not trashing these products; they serve a useful purpose and have a strong following. However, in order for the manufacturers to sell products at these levels, corners must be cut including cheap labor and low quality parts. So long as there is a demand for $800 cd players, somebody will make them.
Good luck.
True, some chinese tube players are cheaply made. MHZS seems to be a fair value at $600. Where in this world are you going to get a tube cdp for $600? cary starts theirs at $3K. Is the Cary 5 X's better? I seriously doubt it.
If the Cary breaks you have warrenty and is hassle free for the 1st yr, after that I'm not sure. If(god forbid) the chinese tube player braeks after one or 2 yrs, you throw it away and buy another. Both my Cayin have been glitch free going 2+ yrs now. The tech guy who changed the opamps onboth said both players were finely built. But agree the 2 chinese players have cut corners to offer the low price. But for $200 the opamps can be cahnged and bring the player up to players costing 2X's more.
I would think that any manufacturer of fine electronics would "want" to go beyond the warranty expiration to take care of "their" customer base, if not, then company names are strewn about, as in this post, and the end result is bad publicity, which in effect, kills business... Manufacturer's take heed...