Resolution Audio Opus 21 VS Consonance Droplet

Has anyone compared these or heard them side by side? I am trying to make a decision on which way to head. I have tubed mono block amps and DB-99's. I am looking for openness and space in large orchestra music. Dynamics with a balanced presentation. Want to find something under or at 2K.
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Thanks Boa2,

Wishful thinking on my part I think, just would love to find a great CD player at a reasonable price. Also, lots of good reviews of the Opus 21, some saying it is very close to the Aero.

What about moding? Many say this is the best way to get good bang for the buck?
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Thanks for the "heads up" post to this thread, I am aware of marketing within the forum. I am appreciative of who ever gives me input. It's up to me to do with the info what I will. What I don't want is this thread to get de-focused off my initial inquary.

I have another thread regarding the same subject but asking a more open ended question which Tvad has responded to. His seemingly abrupt injection of the Modright CD player into this thread was most likely due to his recognizing I was the same person who he was giving some input to in the other thread.

I posted this in my other thread (in amps) and it seems appropriate here also-


In looking through the hx of the threads on the Modright you have been fairly active with it, but your input has been consistent and I do appreciate candidness. Nothing wrong with having an opinion, particularly when others seem to support it."