Resolution Audio Opus 21 VS Consonance Droplet

Has anyone compared these or heard them side by side? I am trying to make a decision on which way to head. I have tubed mono block amps and DB-99's. I am looking for openness and space in large orchestra music. Dynamics with a balanced presentation. Want to find something under or at 2K.
In my opinion, $2K will not get you what you want. Large scale orchestra music has sounded congested with every CD player I've owned or heard under maybe $3-4K used. That includes the RA Opus 21, which I found to lack weight in our system. Your best bet may be to save for a higher-end, non-tubed player--Naim, Wadia, Ayre--only because many of the tube players fail at the high frequency separation during complex music passages because of an over-emphasized midrange. The Audio Aero Capitole MKII & the APL modded Denon 3910 are two tubed players that meet your requests, but they are at least twice your $2K budget.

Another thing you might try is a good pair of silver IC's. In our SET/horn system, I found every copper IC to blur the highs. Silver will give you (for lack of a better term) a more balanced frequency disbursement in your system. I would also experiment with as open-sounding PC as you can find for your source...Electraglide, DCCA, for example.

Finally, you have great amps & great speakers. I happen to think some cabling changes will help you to get closer to what you're after. But in the end, you will want to move to a source that is commensurate with the rest of your components.

Good luck!
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Thanks Boa2,

Wishful thinking on my part I think, just would love to find a great CD player at a reasonable price. Also, lots of good reviews of the Opus 21, some saying it is very close to the Aero.

What about moding? Many say this is the best way to get good bang for the buck?
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