The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


@dabel , not sure if that’s allowed (after all, A’gon is trying to sell stuff). If you do a search inside A’gon, you will see ads for the Purple fuses for sale.

A quick Google search will also reveal several retailers. Ted might even list some on the SR website.


This thread is definitely a "must read".  After doing so, and in the spirit of the OP, a couple of questions:

1. Assuming the purple fuse is "better" than the orange fuse, what did SR change in its manufacture or design (other than color)?  If there is indeed a change in the product, It's very plausible the fuse make a system "sound" better I assume the fuse only affects the electric current, which in turn flows through every circuit of the component

2. To follow, what type of audio equipment do the purple owners have?  Tube/SS? Ultra high end or moderate specs/components?

I'm open to any tweak, but I try to eliminate at least some of the variables to make my results maybe more predictable?

Don't hate on me..I'm just asking a question for personal knowledge.   


@papafrgog >>>

1. I'm not privy to the manufacturing process, but I will tell you that I can feel a granular substance under the labels of the Purple fuses that are not there on their previous fuses. 

2. Personally, I use all tube Audio Research Corp. electronics. 


@dabel >>>

"Who are some of your Purple People Eater retailers?"

Try high-end electronics and The Cable Company. I think they are both A’gon advertisers.
