The current SOTA SACD player

My current playback includes the non signature version of the EMM Labs Dac's.As I am considering upgrading I would like to know what fellow Audiogoners think will better it in terms of smoothness and detail. Single box player suggestions are certainly welcome with the emphasis being on SACD playback as I have quite a few of these discs.
I've been wow'ed by and now own a 2-channel, 2-box solution, the Esoteric P-03 and D-03 combination running in Dual XLR AES/EBU configuration; gives pure DSD for SACDs and lots of other options. Word clock in DAC can be used to slave the P-03 transport....

I've heard alot of great players over the last 2 years.

The P-03 and D-03 performance is humbling.

See Robert Harley's pre-review in The Perfect Vision together with recent reviews on 6moons and Soundstage.

After doing some research, I ordered the APL NW0-2.5 which is based on the Esoteric VRDS-NEO transport. I'll post my impressions when I receive my unit. In the meantime, you can get some information about it and impressions of some NWO owners at the following links:

Best Regards,
Hello Ecka,

I strongly suggest you look into your unit being upgraded to the Signature version. Both the DAC and transport. IMO it is a huge upgrade!

All the best,
Thanks for the feedback so far. Tom, if I may ask, what exactly is the CDSD upgrade all about, because, if I have understood previous Audiogon posts correctly it semed to be mainly a label change to maintain some kind of model uniformity. Would you please elaborate on some of the sonic improvements that you feel the upgrade has resulted in.

Thanks again