Which interconnect cable to upgrade first

Hi,  just a hopefully simple question.   I'm considering upgrading my interconnect cable in my digital system which looks like this:

Network Streamer -> Preamp -> Power Amp

If I were to only upgrade one cable, which one should I upgrade first?   The one from source to preamp, or the one from preamp to power amp.   IOW, which will give me bigger bang for the buck.

Any suggestions, opinions, advices, or experiences are appreciated.   Thanks very much.


I would do the streamer to the preamp first, as it will preserve the signal closest to the source. 

I find the closer to the source the bigger the difference, but once you get the interconnect you can obviously try it in both positions and decide for yourself. The bigger question is, which interconnect to choose, which depends on what improvements and sound characteristics you’re looking for. Best of luck.

The biggest bang for the buck will come from replacing the one you have now that is the worst.